

【READY-STOCK】Glow In Dark Creative Aquarium Decoration Floating Diver Fish Tank Deco 鱼缸创意造景摆件 漂浮潜水员 Hiasan Akuarium


- It is a floating ball with toy which can be used as aquarium decoration.

- It can also be used as DIY materials for kindergarten handwork, moss micro landscape, succulent landscape.

- You can also use it to make ocean bottle or star bottle, scene decoration, and mini tabletop decoration.

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RM2.79 - RM7.90
【READY-STOCK】Aquarium Colourful Luminous Stone Glow In Dark Fish Tank Decoration Batu Aquarium Rock Stone鱼缸造景 夜光石 魚缸裝飾


- Luminous stones can absorb and store energy from sunlight or other light sources, illuminating in dark environments.

- Made of polystyrene, non-toxic, radiation free, and odorless.

- Fine workmanship, polished, without sharp edges.

- Each pack comes in different colour mixed, enrich your decoration.

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RM3.90 - RM11.90